Project BreakThrough
Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 2, 2016
Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 2, 2016
Project BreakThrough 2.0 2016 Review
If you have spent much time learning about internet marketing then the chances are that you will have come across Vick Strizheus and his High Traffic Academy platform. Strizheus’ latest offering of his acclaimed money making system was launched early in 2015 and is commonly referred to as HTA2.0 by internet guru’s and followers alike. After Strizheus shot to fame by becoming the highest ever monthly earner in IM (over $720,000 in one month) he has spent much of his time developing coaching software and online courses to pass on his wealth of knowledge to those of us who have the tenacity to learn and implement it.
The HTA2.0 system took the internet marketing world by storm and saw thousands of people like you and me make thousands of dollars worth of income following proven techniques.
One year on and Vick Strizheus is at it again, this time with the release of Project Breakthrough. Knowing that the cost of HTA2.0 is close to $2000 my first question when researching for this review was ‘how much is Project Breakthrough?’
HTA Project Breakthrough is absolutely free. As someone who has paid for a number of online internet marketing courses in the past it was refreshing to see such a highly regarded and widely anticipated product launch for at zero cost. As I said, the sheer fact that other High Traffic Academy products carry such big ticket prices gave me a warm glowing feel inside to think that even if I could gleam a fraction of the knowledge that has seen Vick Strizheus become a multi-millionaire then I could gain real value from this free training.
The premise of Project Breakthrough is centred around sales funnels and is fundamentally pretty simple. But like Vick Strizheus states, even the simplest of his strategies require hard work… and a lot of it. So just like HTA2.0, those with the ‘lottery ticket’ mentality who think they have a chance of success just because they signed up to the programme will end up disappointed. But does Project Breakthrough really have enough depth to it’s training and is it legit? Or is Project Breakthrough a scam that is seeing Vick Strizheus going down a path that some of his less scrupulous peers have trodden before him?
On the face of it, the training looks clean, easy to follow with clear action plans for the user to follow and push you towards taking action. The ‘over the shoulder’ nature of the training is my preferred method of training so it catered to my needs pretty well. The aesthetics are easy on the eye and the clean and sharp design gives the whole platform a sense of professionalism and allows you to retain focus whilst following the training.
The whole purpose of the platform is to take you through a range of steps to create an effective sales funnel. This starts with the concept and choosing of a product. Despite having a fair bit of knowledge in this area there were still a few tasty morsels for me to chew over that I had not really considered in the past and this element of the course was very impressive and bang up to date in terms of 2016 trends.
Strizheus then takes you through the marketing plan and implementation of the sales funnel. His knowledge of internet marketing psychology really shines through here and this is where the true value of this course comes in (remember it hasn’t cost us anything either) as he shares his past experiences (bad and good) and his knowledge that he has accrued over almost a decade in the business. This section could not be faulted and if you can see past the slick but often smug demeanour found in the presentation then you are on to a winner. That being said, the presentation in terms of content is outstanding.
A full section showing you how to set up a sales funnel is to follow and this was particularly eye opening. I spotted little mistakes that I have been making for years and purely by implementing some of these simple steps I am pretty sure I will be increasing my conversion rates over time. The results that I have seen already in my own sales funnels (after just 2 weeks) is around 15% higher conversions and I still have a lot to work on.
The success of HTA1.0 and HTA2.0 is that it is centred around internet traffic, which is the cornerstone of online success. There is a whole section dedicated to this in the course in which there are some rewarding nuggets of information provided by our charismatic host. Strizheus then goes on to tell us how to turn this traffic in to leads followed by a comprehensive training session on turning leads in to sales. Both of these sections are delivered with the same sense of expertise and professionalism as the rest of the course.
The course is delivered by multi-million dollar making Vick Strizheus and is designed to be taught and completed in just 14 days. The dedicated website claims to have the potential to change your business and your life which is quite a statement to make! Designed as a process, the training promises to give you the tools to make online commissions, show you how to do it again and again and then how to scale your campaign for even more profits. But can it really deliver all of that and is Project Breakthrough legit?
Vick, Mc Jason and the followers in the training programme
The reason most of you will be reading this HTA project breakthrough review is because you are trying to make money through your online activities, through generating affiliate commissions or through product sales – whether they be digital or physical products.
So the big question is whether you can make money using the advice and guidance offered in this course. My answer to this question is an overwhelming yes, but there is a pretty big disclaimer here and that is that YOU have to take action.
There is a big focus in this training course on affiliate marketing. Perhaps you have dabbled in affiliate marketing in the past or perhaps you have indeed made money through affiliate marketing. If you have then you will know the difficulty of being successful in this area of online earning. Project Breakthrough gives you real actionable information to make affiliate marketing possible or to take your affiliate marketing to the next level. The traffic generation methods alone that are covered by Strizheus in the training are enough to give your affiliate marketing campaigns a boost on their own, but I found the entire course helpful with strategizing my campaigns from concept to final delivery.
Now, it is fair to say that Project Breakthrough is a sales funnel in itself for Vick Strizheus – albeit a very advanced and expensive one. The very fact that the course is free means there is no cost to the end user initially but of course you can expect to be hearing from High Traffic Academy via your inbox in an attempt to enrol you on their other courses that total close to $3000. My take on this is that it is a very small price to pay for such high quality free training and you always have the option to opt out in future if you so wish. The fact that you don’t have to buy Project Breakthrough is almost enough reason to sign up – even if you are amongst the most cynical of users and think that this is just a giant sales funnel (which it probably is), you are still getting an absolute ton of top quality content and training that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.
My advice to anyone who is sceptical is to access the free 14 day training, decide for yourself, and if you like what you see ‘take action’. If you follow the training to the letter and put in the groundwork the chances are you will make money. If you really want to scale from there on in (and let’s face it who wouldn’t?) then you could couple Project Breakthrough with High Traffic Academy and access the HTA 2.0 course for maximum impact on your business. I can’t see any reason why if you followed the advice in the free training that you couldn’t make enough to cover the course costs for HTA 2.0 within a few months.
One of the biggest selling points of any High Traffic Academy product is that they are always big on scaling up your level of business. Project Breakthrough is no exception to this rule and you will find plenty of ideas to help you scale your business and leverage the traffic you generate.
This is perhaps the area where most online entrepreneurs get the most jittery. I know I have certainly been there. I have made some money, but to make more money you have to spend the money you have just worked so hard to earn in the first place. Following the methods taught in Project Breakthrough it takes the scare factor out of the equation somewhat.
If it is not clear already then let me make this as obvious as possible:
Having completed the 14 day Project Breakthrough training I am a huge fan of it.
The reasons for accessing this course far outweigh the negatives. Now of course, this is a very subjective opinion, but my opinion is also a very educated one on the topic in question. So when I say these are reasons for using the course, these really are reasons for doing just that, there is no fluff here:
• You will learn how to build a successful online business
• You will be taught to have a positive mindset
• The custom marketing funnels are amongst the best I have seen
• You will be taught every single aspect of what you need to do to follow this process
• You will be shown how to launch your campaign
• The traffic generation information is worth your time alone
• You will earn money if you follow the system and apply the right mindest
• You can complete the course in just 14 days!
As with any program or course there is always a downside, but I did have to think long and hard to try and give balance to this review as when you find a product of this quality that has zero cost, it is hard to pitch where your expectations should lie. Here is what I found after a lot of head scratching:
• You sometimes get the feeling that Vick is using his super marketing powers on you with his psychological language.
• The course only lasts 14 days – I want more!
Seriously, that is all I could come up with. Sure, if this was a $2000 course like HTA2.0 then I would be expecting more. But I have paid over $500 for courses that have given me nowhere near as much value as Project Breakthrough and this has cost me nothing!
In an online world that is full of false promises, one time offers, numerous webinars offering words of advice from thousands of supposed ‘gurus’, stupendous software offers and get rich quick schemes it would be easy to label High Traffic Academy and Project Breakthrough in one of those categories and if the course carried a fee then I would have been a lot more cautious before plunging in head first in to the 14 day course – however I would not tarnish this course with any of those labels, instead I would describe it as having high value with real life expertise that you can apply.
The fact that the course is free meant that I went in with mixed expectations. Based on the good reputation of HTA I had high hopes but I am always wary of supposed ‘free’ products or courses and so I carried these doubts with me in to the first day or two of the Project Breakthrough course. These doubts were quickly dispersed on day three when I really go in to the nuts and bolts and started learning more in a week than I had learnt in the last year on the topic of internet marketing – now considering that I see myself as something of an expert myself that is a pretty bold statement (perhaps one that I shouldn’t be advertising).
If you are still sitting on the fence as to whether you want to access the 14 day free course then I would say it isn’t for you. To make a success of the course you need to want it, you need to believe in it and know that you will take action to succeed. I genuinely believe that if you decide that will do all of those things then you will make money and more importantly grow your business using the proven sales funnel training that takes you from initial concept to implementation to selling and scaling.
My advice to anyone reading this article is to stop having that lottery ticket mentality, heck… stop buying lottery tickets altogether and invest your money in the systems taught here. Your chances of making your fortune through a combination of the training provided in HTA Project Breakthrough and the application of your own hard work is much more likely than making your first million dollars with a lottery ticket.
Will Project Breakthrough make you rich overnight? No!
Can Project Breakthrough provide you with the tools to make a decent living online? Yes. But you have to be prepared to put the groundwork in.
Convinced yet? You should be! click here visit Project BreakThrough 2.0 2016
My Review Rating for Project Breakthrough: 9.5/10
Published in UNCATEGORIZED on 16TH FEBRUARY 2016
The HTA2.0 system took the internet marketing world by storm and saw thousands of people like you and me make thousands of dollars worth of income following proven techniques.
One year on and Vick Strizheus is at it again, this time with the release of Project Breakthrough. Knowing that the cost of HTA2.0 is close to $2000 my first question when researching for this review was ‘how much is Project Breakthrough?’
The answer was quite astonishing!
HTA Project Breakthrough is absolutely free. As someone who has paid for a number of online internet marketing courses in the past it was refreshing to see such a highly regarded and widely anticipated product launch for at zero cost. As I said, the sheer fact that other High Traffic Academy products carry such big ticket prices gave me a warm glowing feel inside to think that even if I could gleam a fraction of the knowledge that has seen Vick Strizheus become a multi-millionaire then I could gain real value from this free training.
You Can Access It 100% Free Here
The premise of Project Breakthrough is centred around sales funnels and is fundamentally pretty simple. But like Vick Strizheus states, even the simplest of his strategies require hard work… and a lot of it. So just like HTA2.0, those with the ‘lottery ticket’ mentality who think they have a chance of success just because they signed up to the programme will end up disappointed. But does Project Breakthrough really have enough depth to it’s training and is it legit? Or is Project Breakthrough a scam that is seeing Vick Strizheus going down a path that some of his less scrupulous peers have trodden before him?
On the face of it, the training looks clean, easy to follow with clear action plans for the user to follow and push you towards taking action. The ‘over the shoulder’ nature of the training is my preferred method of training so it catered to my needs pretty well. The aesthetics are easy on the eye and the clean and sharp design gives the whole platform a sense of professionalism and allows you to retain focus whilst following the training.
The whole purpose of the platform is to take you through a range of steps to create an effective sales funnel. This starts with the concept and choosing of a product. Despite having a fair bit of knowledge in this area there were still a few tasty morsels for me to chew over that I had not really considered in the past and this element of the course was very impressive and bang up to date in terms of 2016 trends.
Strizheus then takes you through the marketing plan and implementation of the sales funnel. His knowledge of internet marketing psychology really shines through here and this is where the true value of this course comes in (remember it hasn’t cost us anything either) as he shares his past experiences (bad and good) and his knowledge that he has accrued over almost a decade in the business. This section could not be faulted and if you can see past the slick but often smug demeanour found in the presentation then you are on to a winner. That being said, the presentation in terms of content is outstanding.
A full section showing you how to set up a sales funnel is to follow and this was particularly eye opening. I spotted little mistakes that I have been making for years and purely by implementing some of these simple steps I am pretty sure I will be increasing my conversion rates over time. The results that I have seen already in my own sales funnels (after just 2 weeks) is around 15% higher conversions and I still have a lot to work on.
The success of HTA1.0 and HTA2.0 is that it is centred around internet traffic, which is the cornerstone of online success. There is a whole section dedicated to this in the course in which there are some rewarding nuggets of information provided by our charismatic host. Strizheus then goes on to tell us how to turn this traffic in to leads followed by a comprehensive training session on turning leads in to sales. Both of these sections are delivered with the same sense of expertise and professionalism as the rest of the course.
The course is delivered by multi-million dollar making Vick Strizheus and is designed to be taught and completed in just 14 days. The dedicated website claims to have the potential to change your business and your life which is quite a statement to make! Designed as a process, the training promises to give you the tools to make online commissions, show you how to do it again and again and then how to scale your campaign for even more profits. But can it really deliver all of that and is Project Breakthrough legit?
Vick, Mc Jason and the followers in the training programme
The reason most of you will be reading this HTA project breakthrough review is because you are trying to make money through your online activities, through generating affiliate commissions or through product sales – whether they be digital or physical products.
So the big question is whether you can make money using the advice and guidance offered in this course. My answer to this question is an overwhelming yes, but there is a pretty big disclaimer here and that is that YOU have to take action.
There is a big focus in this training course on affiliate marketing. Perhaps you have dabbled in affiliate marketing in the past or perhaps you have indeed made money through affiliate marketing. If you have then you will know the difficulty of being successful in this area of online earning. Project Breakthrough gives you real actionable information to make affiliate marketing possible or to take your affiliate marketing to the next level. The traffic generation methods alone that are covered by Strizheus in the training are enough to give your affiliate marketing campaigns a boost on their own, but I found the entire course helpful with strategizing my campaigns from concept to final delivery.
Now, it is fair to say that Project Breakthrough is a sales funnel in itself for Vick Strizheus – albeit a very advanced and expensive one. The very fact that the course is free means there is no cost to the end user initially but of course you can expect to be hearing from High Traffic Academy via your inbox in an attempt to enrol you on their other courses that total close to $3000. My take on this is that it is a very small price to pay for such high quality free training and you always have the option to opt out in future if you so wish. The fact that you don’t have to buy Project Breakthrough is almost enough reason to sign up – even if you are amongst the most cynical of users and think that this is just a giant sales funnel (which it probably is), you are still getting an absolute ton of top quality content and training that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.
My advice to anyone who is sceptical is to access the free 14 day training, decide for yourself, and if you like what you see ‘take action’. If you follow the training to the letter and put in the groundwork the chances are you will make money. If you really want to scale from there on in (and let’s face it who wouldn’t?) then you could couple Project Breakthrough with High Traffic Academy and access the HTA 2.0 course for maximum impact on your business. I can’t see any reason why if you followed the advice in the free training that you couldn’t make enough to cover the course costs for HTA 2.0 within a few months.
One of the biggest selling points of any High Traffic Academy product is that they are always big on scaling up your level of business. Project Breakthrough is no exception to this rule and you will find plenty of ideas to help you scale your business and leverage the traffic you generate.
This is perhaps the area where most online entrepreneurs get the most jittery. I know I have certainly been there. I have made some money, but to make more money you have to spend the money you have just worked so hard to earn in the first place. Following the methods taught in Project Breakthrough it takes the scare factor out of the equation somewhat.
If it is not clear already then let me make this as obvious as possible:
Having completed the 14 day Project Breakthrough training I am a huge fan of it.
The reasons for accessing this course far outweigh the negatives. Now of course, this is a very subjective opinion, but my opinion is also a very educated one on the topic in question. So when I say these are reasons for using the course, these really are reasons for doing just that, there is no fluff here:
• You will learn how to build a successful online business
• You will be taught to have a positive mindset
• The custom marketing funnels are amongst the best I have seen
• You will be taught every single aspect of what you need to do to follow this process
• You will be shown how to launch your campaign
• The traffic generation information is worth your time alone
• You will earn money if you follow the system and apply the right mindest
• You can complete the course in just 14 days!
As with any program or course there is always a downside, but I did have to think long and hard to try and give balance to this review as when you find a product of this quality that has zero cost, it is hard to pitch where your expectations should lie. Here is what I found after a lot of head scratching:
• You sometimes get the feeling that Vick is using his super marketing powers on you with his psychological language.
• The course only lasts 14 days – I want more!
Seriously, that is all I could come up with. Sure, if this was a $2000 course like HTA2.0 then I would be expecting more. But I have paid over $500 for courses that have given me nowhere near as much value as Project Breakthrough and this has cost me nothing!
In an online world that is full of false promises, one time offers, numerous webinars offering words of advice from thousands of supposed ‘gurus’, stupendous software offers and get rich quick schemes it would be easy to label High Traffic Academy and Project Breakthrough in one of those categories and if the course carried a fee then I would have been a lot more cautious before plunging in head first in to the 14 day course – however I would not tarnish this course with any of those labels, instead I would describe it as having high value with real life expertise that you can apply.
The fact that the course is free meant that I went in with mixed expectations. Based on the good reputation of HTA I had high hopes but I am always wary of supposed ‘free’ products or courses and so I carried these doubts with me in to the first day or two of the Project Breakthrough course. These doubts were quickly dispersed on day three when I really go in to the nuts and bolts and started learning more in a week than I had learnt in the last year on the topic of internet marketing – now considering that I see myself as something of an expert myself that is a pretty bold statement (perhaps one that I shouldn’t be advertising).
If you are still sitting on the fence as to whether you want to access the 14 day free course then I would say it isn’t for you. To make a success of the course you need to want it, you need to believe in it and know that you will take action to succeed. I genuinely believe that if you decide that will do all of those things then you will make money and more importantly grow your business using the proven sales funnel training that takes you from initial concept to implementation to selling and scaling.
My advice to anyone reading this article is to stop having that lottery ticket mentality, heck… stop buying lottery tickets altogether and invest your money in the systems taught here. Your chances of making your fortune through a combination of the training provided in HTA Project Breakthrough and the application of your own hard work is much more likely than making your first million dollars with a lottery ticket.
Will Project Breakthrough make you rich overnight? No!
Can Project Breakthrough provide you with the tools to make a decent living online? Yes. But you have to be prepared to put the groundwork in.
Convinced yet? You should be! click here visit Project BreakThrough 2.0 2016
My Review Rating for Project Breakthrough: 9.5/10
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